How to Play
Math Defender challenges you to shoot down the correct falling answer
without getting hit by the falling asteroids/obstacles and numbers.
An equation will be displayed on the screen.
Maneuver your spaceship right and left along the bottom of the
screen by moving the Rocker Wheel up (left) or down (right).
When you see the numbers for the correct answer, shoot them
down in the correct order, by pressing the Push Button A to fire
a laser or by pressing the Rocker Wheel.
If the correct answer is hit, you’ll earn points, and see the next
problem. If an incorrect answer is hit, you’ll lose points. If a
falling number or asteroid hits your ship, you’ll lose a ship. If
you lose 3 ships, the game ends.
What’s Being Taught?
This activity teaches children over 150 critical math skills for grades 1
to 4, from the basics (such as addition of single-digit numbers) to more
advanced math (such as dividing four-digit numbers by two-digit
numbers). As players progress through each level, they will master
equations involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, division,
fractions and decimals.
Why is This Important?
Copyright 2005, Enfora L.P. 31