and Documentation in connection with the operation of your TicTalk
phone in accordance with the Documentation. You may not modify, de-
compile, disassemble or reverse engineer the Software, or copy,
reproduce, transmit, translate, sublicense or distribute the Software or
Documentation, or remove any proprietary notices from it. However,
you may assign your license and transfer the Software and
Documentation, in the form provided by Enfora, to another person as
part of the sale or other transfer of your TicTalk phone to such person,
but only if such person agrees to be bound by all of the terms and
conditions of this Agreement.
Documentation Content: While every reasonable effort has been
made to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the information
contained in the Documentation, such information is provided AS IS
without any warranty of any kind, and Enfora shall not be liable for any
technical or editorial errors or omissions in such information.
Furthermore, Enfora reserves the right to revise, update or otherwise
change the content of the Documentation, in whole or in part, without
prior notice.
Software Upgrades: Except as necessary to correct any defects
covered by the TicTalk phone warranty, Enfora shall have no obligation
to provide any bug fixes or upgrades to the Software. From time to
time, however, Enfora, in its sole discretion, may publish certain bug
fixes or upgrades to the Software, as they become available, through
such means (e.g., CD media, Internet download, etc.) as determined by
Web Configuration: Your TicTalk phone can be configured via a user
account that you can access at a website maintained by Enfora and/or
your wireless service provider. Please refer to the TicTalk web site at
http://www.mytictalk.com for details of this feature. This feature is
Copyright 2005, Enfora L.P. 66