R4C1320 Quick Reference
A5 size QUICK.FM
6/18/01 Pass 0
Proof Sign-off:
ABE S.Takahashi K.Yoda_______
M.Miyazaki _______
ABE G.Kok _______
3. Check which color currently appears in the
cartridge installation window.
If you see the color that you need to replace, go to
step 6.
If you see a different color, go to the next step.
4. Press the green button, as shown below.
5. Turn th e knob c ounter clockw ise unt il it st ops. Th e
next cartridge appears in the cartridge installment
Repeat steps 4 and 5 until you see the color that you
need to replace.
6. Pull the cartridge eject lever until the cartridge
protrudes from the slot, then remove the cartridge.