short.bk Rev_C
A5 size SOFTW.FM
12/15/99 Pass 3
Proof Sign-off:
M.Hida, CRE Tsukada_______
N. Nomoto _______
Using the Automatic modeWhen Automatic is selected on the Main menu, the prin ter driver
takes care of all detailed sett ings based on the c urrent Media Type
and Ink settings. To make the Ink setting, click Color to pri nt in
color, or Black to print in black-and-white or grayscale. To make
the Media Type setting, see “Making the Media Type setting” on
page 14.
❏Depending on the media you choose in the Media Type list (while
is selected), a slide bar appears in the Mode box that
lets you choose Quality or Speed. Select Quality when print
quality is more important than speed.
❏Most Windows applications feature paper size and page layout
settings that override similar settings on the printer driver.
However, if your application does not have these settings, verify the
settings on the printer driver’s Paper menu.