Managing Color Data
You can use MonacoEZcolor and your device software to provide accurate color data among all your computer input and output devices such as your scanner, monitor, digital camera, and printer. Here are the basic steps you need to take to manage color for scans that you will print. See your MonacoEZcolor online guides for detailed instructions.
1First you need to use the Create Printer Profile option in MonacoEZcolor to create profiles for your scanner and printer.
You must create profiles for each type of print media and settings.
Print an RGB Target with the printer, type of paper, and settings you will use when printing images.
2Open Adobe Photoshop Elements and choose Full Color Management - Optimized for Print under the Color Settings.
3Select File > Import > SilverFast (Epson). Then prescan your image and adjust the marquee.
4Click the General tab, then click the Option (or Options) button. Click the CMS tab.
5For the Input
6For the Internal
7For the Scanner (Reflective), select the scanner profile you created with MonacoEZcolor in step 1. For the Internal setting, select a working space that has a wide color gamut, such as Adobe RGB (1998).
8Make sure the Embed ICC profile box is checked to save the settings in your scan, then click OK.
9Click Scan to scan your image.
10 Click File > Print Preview. Click the Show More Options box, then select Color Management from the
11 Click Print, check your settings in your printer software (making sure that color management is turned off and all the settings are the same as you set them when creating your printer profile with MonacoEZcolor), close your printer software, and then click OK to print your image.
Note: See your electronic SilverFast manual and movies on the SilverFast
Scanning 48-bit Images
To obtain images in the full
1Raise the scanner lid and place your photo face down on the glass. Make sure the document mat is in place on the scanner lid.
2In Windows, use Acquire in PhotoStudio with Epson Perfection 4990 selected as the source.
On Macintosh, open the
Note: If you have the full version of Photoshop (6.0 or later), you can scan