
Your EPSON® Super VGA Color Monitor (model A881391) is compatible with all IBM® 8514A, VGA, and Super VGA modes from 31 to 48 KHz. It offers the following features:

l4-inch, analog color CRT display with non-glare surface

High-resolution display of up to 1024 x 768 pixels, non-interlaced

Six user-adjustable controls: brightness, contrast, horizontal centering, horizontal size, vertical centering, and vertical size

Universal power supply with automatic line voltage selection between 100 and 240 volts

Energy Star compliant

Tilt and swivel base.

This manual describes how to set up and use the monitor. It also provides troubleshooting information and specifications.

Energy Star Compliant

Your EPSON monitor complies with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Energy Star program, which promotes the manufacture of energyefficient printers, computers, and monitors. The EPSON Super VGA Color Monitor conserves electricity by automatically entering a low-power, standby mode when the computer stops sending certain signals to the monitor.

14” Super VGA Color Monitor 1