Appendix B

Changing Printing Style

The LQ-1500 can produce 224 different styles of printing. Although there are many commands to select these different styles of printing, there is one command that lets you choose at will between any of them. This command is called Master Select. The Master Select command consists of <ESC> “!” followed by a single ASCII code. The value of the ASCII code determines the printing style that is selected. A typical Master Select command might look like this:

(ESC) "!" 66

This command would select italic proportional print. In BASIC the same command would look like this:

LPRINT CHR$(27) "!" CHR$( 66);

On the following four pages are charts showing each of the printing styles that the LQ-1500 can produce. Following each example is the ASCII code (decimal) that will select a particular print style.

The first of the four charts shows the proportional print styles. These styles are available in both the Letter Quality and Draft sets. The second chart shows the printing styles that are available in the Letter Quality set. The third and fourth charts show the printing styles that are available in the Draft set.

The letters, MISwiy were chosen to represent typical wide, medium, narrow, and descending characters. The letters are represented in these print styles: regular, emphasized, double-strike, and emphasized and double-strike.