American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) 45 codes, conversion 87
Application Notes 2 Assembly
of printer 5
of sheet guide 12 Backspace 67 BASIC 46
Bell 23, 24, 67 Buttons 25
FF(Form feed) 26 LF (Line feed) 27 ON LINE 26 SHEET LOAD 27,32
Cable, connection of 18 Carriage return 46, 54 Cartridge, ribbon 9 Character matrix 91 Character set 75, 91 Character set commands 61 Characters, international 23, 78 Characters, proportional widths 79 Cleaning, of printer 27
Codes, names of 46 Commands 49
character set 61 graphics 62 horizontal spacing 54 miscellaneous 64 vertical spacing 50
Computer, connecting printer to 15, 18 Continuous forms 29
Control codes 45, 46 Control key (CTRL) 46 Control panel 25 Controls 25
Delete character 65 Delete line 64 Deselect printer 65 Dimensions 92