Note: If you don’t understand how the numbers were determined, refer to Figures 6-1 and 6-2.

It takes a while for your system to compute the data so be patient. Your printout should look like this:

Run the program once more, but this time use Double-Density mode. When the program asks you for a control code, enter L. Enter the rest of the data exactly as you did with Single-Density mode. You should achieve the following result.

If your printout does not look like this one, be sure you are entering the correct values for n1 and n2. If the values are not correct, and more data is sent to the printer than it was told to expect, it will interpret values as character codes,

Graphics Programming Tips

The information in this section will provide you with a few elements to keep in mind when programming in graphics.

Line spacing

To print figures taller than 7 or 8 dots in Graphics mode, the print head must make more than one pass. If you use the default 12-dot (1/6 inch) line spacing, the print head will leave gaps between the graphics lines, just as it does between the text lines. To avoid such gaps in your patterns, adjust the line spacing to 8-dot with ESCape”A”CHR$(8) and print consecutive lines until the figure is complete.

ESCape “A”CHR$(n), where n represents n/72-inch, changes the distance that a line feed covers to n dots. The ESCape “A”CHR$(n) command sets the line spacing to n/72-inch if the n is any number from 0 through 85. If n is between 85 and 128, the line spacing is 85/72-inch.