ESC Dec Hex Symbol Function
- | 10 | 0A | LF | Line feed. Empties the printer buffer, performs |
| a line feed at the current line spacing, and |
| resets the buffer character count to 0. |
- | 12 | 0C | FF | Form feed. Empties the printer buffer, then |
| advances the paper to the next top of form. |
- | 13 | 0D | CR | Carriage return. Prints the contents of the |
| buffer and resets the buffer character count |
| to 0. |
- | 14 | 0E | SO | Shift out. Turns Expanded mode ON for the |
| length of the line. Can be cancelled by |
| CHR$(20) or CHR$(27)“WO”. Works with Pica |
| or Compressed mode. |
- | 15 | 0F | SI | Shift in. Empties the buffer and turns |
| Compressed mode (17.16 cpi) ON. Cannot |
| work with Emphasized or |
| mode. |
- | 18 | 12 | DC2 | Device control 2. Turns Compressed mode |
| OFF |
- | 20 | 14 | DC4 | Device control 4. Turns the Expanded mode |
| set by CHR$(14) OFF Can also be cancelled |
| with LF |
- 27 1B ESC
ESC 45 2D -
ESCape. Prepares the printer to receive control codes.
Turns Underline mode ON. Format: CHR$(27)” - “CHR$(n)
where n toggles Underline on and off: 0 turns it OFF 1 turns it ON.
ESC | 48 | 30 | 0 | Sets line spacing to |
ESC | 50 | 32 | 2 | Returns line spacing to the default of |
| |
ESC | 51 | 33 | 3 | Sets line spacing to |
| until changed. Format: |
CHR$(27)“3”CHR$(n) where n = 0 - 255.