Troubleshooting 55
shortset.bk Rev. C
A5 size TRBLE.FM
10/7/99 Pass 2
Proof Sign-off:
K. Nishi _______
N.Nomoto _______
J.Hoadley _______
❏Arranging for faulty EPSON products to be repaired within
the warranty period
A full list of EPSON Customer and Warranty Support services is
available on the technical support section of our world wide web
pages at http://www.epson.co.uk/support/ and on Faxon
EPSON Faxback service in document number 5085.
Pre Sales Enquiry DeskThe Enquiry Desk team can be contacted by calling 0800 220546
in the UK or 1 800 409132 from the Republic of I rel and, by fa xin g
01442 227271 in the UK or 0044 1442 227271 from the Republic of
Ireland, and via Email at info@epson.co.uk . They can provide
the following information:
❏Pre Sales information and literatu re on new EPSON products
(also available via our world wide web site at http://
❏Where to purchase genuine EPSON consumables,
accessories, and options
For Australian UsersEPSON Australia wishes to provide you with a high level of
Customer Service. As well as the user’s guide, we provide the
following sources for obtaining information:
EPSON FAXBACKEPSON FAXBACK will fax you the latest specifications and
pricing for most EPSON products offere d in Australia. There is
also technical information inc luding details of the latest softwa re
and drivers available. Phone (02) 9903 9075 and the system will
guide you through a number of choices before faxing the
information to your fax machine.