Does the second one work correctly? If so, the first one was probably bad; save it and take it back to the supplier for a refund. But if the second (and all the rest) give the same undesirable results, go troubleshooting somewhere
Booting Problems?
Drive A looks exactly like drive B; the only difference is that A is on the left side and B is on the right. However, you can boot up only from drive A. So, pop out your software and
Or, did you remember to press the RESET button after inserting a new diskette?
The term bugs, in computerese, refers mostly to imperfections in software. These bugs are minor flaws that the people who wrote the program couldn’t foresee. You usually find them by trying out a routine in a manner slightly different from that planned by the programmers. Instead of getting the desired results, you get something you weren’t expecting: you find a bug.