1450 Lakeside Dr., Waukegan, IL 60085 USA
OWNER’S MANUAL | January 2006 |
ETA’s line of Conditioned Power Distribution units are designed to prevent electrical damage to sensitive electronic equipment from high ampli- tude/short duration spikes, random surges, and EMI/RFI noise, which is inherent in utility power lines. Power line sources which are not precondi- tioned or filtered can affect reliable operation of sensitive audio, computer, and other electronic equipment, and may cause premature failure, expensive repairs, or unanticipated replacement from
As inherent problems in utility AC power lines increase for various reasons, and the need for
cause premature failure, or result in extensive damage or destruction of electronic equipment.
ETA Conditioned Power Dis- tribution units feature a master power switch, conveniently located on the front control panel, that switches the rear panel AC outlets ON and OFF. An LED next to the master power switch indicates the power conditioning cir- cuitry is working and the rear panel AC outlets are powered. Maximum total wattage input is 1800 watts and the 8 power output receptacles, located on back panel and one on front panel, are protected with a
Note: The front panel LED is normally lit when the power switch is in the ON position. If the power switch is ON and the LED is not lit, power may still be present on the output AC recep- tacles, but the power conditioning cir- cuitry is not working. Do not continue use of the power conditioning unit and
The PD9L is easily mounted into a standard
NOTE: The PD9L is UL recognized and has a
All designs and specifications are subject to change without notice. Copyright © 2004 ETA Systems.