EverFocus ECOR264-4X1, ECOR264-9X1, ECOR264-16X1 user manual Network Menu Email

Models: ECOR264-16X1 ECOR264-9X1 ECOR264-4X1

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Well Known Ports 0 thru 1023

Registered Ports 1024 thru 49151

Dynamic and/or Private Ports 49152 thru 65535

So, rather than encounter a port conflict by choosing a port commonly used for another purpose (like port 25 for SMTP mail or port 448 for secure sockets), choose an ‘unusual’ port number. For example, add 50,000 to your house number: 50,123 is less likely to lead to a port conflict. For a list of the known and registered ports, see http://www.iana.org/assignments/port-numbers

Bandwidth Limit: Specify, disabled / 128 K/ 256 K / 512 K / 768K/ 1M / 3M bps. This is the maximum bandwidth that the DVR is allowed to use on the network. This is a useful function when connecting the DVR to busy or heavily loaded networks, or when accessing the DVR(s) over a WAN.

Enable 3GPP Streaming (Unprotected): Check this box to allow unrestricted external connection of mobile phones, and other rtsp capable devices for viewing via 3GPP/rtsp streaming.


Figure 4-26 Network Menu – Email

SMTP Server: Assign the SMTP (e-mail) server’s name.

NOTE: For more reliable email service, use the server’s IP address.

SMTP Port: Assign the port number used by the SMTP server.


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EverFocus ECOR264-4X1, ECOR264-9X1, ECOR264-16X1 user manual Network Menu Email