CHAPTER I: Installing BatteriesTo
insert new batteries, carefully turn
your Electronic Chess so that the display
side is face-down. Remove the battery-
compartment panel on the left by losen-
ing the screw and using your thumbnail to
pull up gently on the raised latch. Install
three fresh AAA batteries, making sure to
follow the diagram in each battery slot so
that the
polarity (+ or -) of the batteries is
Replace the battery compartment
panel by fitting the two tabs into their
receptacles and pushing down on the
panel lightly. Re-tighten the screw, but be
sure not to over-tighten it.
CHAPTER 2: Play Right Away2.1 Getting Started
After you have installed the batteries, the
LCD will showPLAY. (If it doesn’t, press
the ACL button on the back of the unit.)
This indicates you are at the first move of
the game. Set up the magnetic chess
pieces, found in the piece-storage com-
partment located next to the battery com-
partment, according to the chess rules
found in Chapter 7..
Excalibur Electronic’s Sabre gives you
the white pieces—the ones at the bottom
of the board. White always moves first.
(You’ll see a white square at the bottom
of the LCD indicating it is White’s turn to
Your Electronic Chess is equipped with a
sensory board. The way you select and
make your move is very simple. Think of
communicating your move as a two-step
process—registering the from square and
then registering the tosquare of the move
you wish to make.
2.2 How to Register Your Move
To make a move, press down lightly on
the from square with the bottom edge of
the piece or pawn you wish to move. You
will hear a beep, and the coordinate of
that square will appear in the LCD. (You
might see, for example, E2...) Next press
down on the to square, the square you
wish to move the piece or pawn to. You’ll
hear another beep letting you know your
move has been registered.
If you hear an error buzz, you have made
an illegal move, and the illegal move will
appear on the screen. To take back that
illegal move and make a different move,
simply press first on the to square and
then on the from square again to cancel
the illegal move.
After yo u ’ve successfully made yo u r
move, Electronic Chess will reply with its
move shown automatically on the LCD,
for example E7E5. (You’ll also notice a
black square appearing on the LCD, indi-
cating that it is now Black’s move.) Next
make the computer’s move accordingly,
pressing down with the bottom edge of