B L AC K / W H I T Ekey. The word S I D E
will appear on the display. Press the key
repeatedly until the black or white indica-
tor box in your display is the color you
wish to have move first. Next, press
ON/CLEAR, followed byLEVEL. Set
the computer to LEVEL 73, the problem-
solving level, and press ON/CLEAR again.
NOTE: We recommend using theVERI -
FY function after setting up a problem-
solving position to check that the posi -
tions of all the pieces.
CHAPTER 5: Special FeaturesPosition Score
During a game, you may press the HINT
key twice to get your computer’s evalua-
tion of the position. The scoring totals the
following values: Pawns—1, Knights—3,
Bishops—3, Rooks—5, and Queen—9.
Smiling Faces &Frowing Faces
W h e n ever Electronic Chess eva l u a t e s
your position as 2 points or more ahead, it
will show a smiling face when it displays
its move. W h e n ever it evaluates yo u r
position as 2 points or more behind, it
will show a frowning face when it dis-
plays its move.
Opening Book Library
To speed play in the beginning of the
game and make its moves accurate,
Electronic Chess has an opening-move
library of 250 moves. When the comput-
er uses one of these moves, its display
will read OPEn.
CHAPTER 6: TroubleshootingThe display is blank.
Check the batteries to see that they are
installed correctly and that they are not
too weak. Otherwise, insert a safety pin
(or another sharp, thin object such as a
pen) into the ACL hole (reset) located on
the lower back of the computer.
Computer gives an improper response.
Use the VERIFY function to check
whether a mistake was made in moving
the pieces. Check also that the to square
has been properly pressed for your move.
Finally, check that the move you wish to
make is legal. Check that en passant
m ov e s were performed corr e c t ly, for
example, and remember you cannot move
and remain in check. You also may not
castle through check.
LCD messages are dim or faded, your
computer functions undependably or
displays impossible moves.
Install new batteries immediately. See
Section 1 above.
Computers can sometimes “lock up”
due to static discharge or other elec-
trical disturbances. If this should
happen,use a slim,pointed object to
press the button marked “ACL” on
the bottom of the unit.