second push reinstates it as White.
See also Section 4, “Setting Up Special
3.6 VERIFY Key
Press this key if you need to verify the
position of a piece or pieces on the board.
When it is your move, press VERIFYto
check the position of the white queen.
Press it a second time to check the posi-
tion of Black’s queen. To verify the posi-
tions of other pieces on the board, simply
press VERIFY and the red key labeled
with the desired piece symbol above it. If
there are no pieces of the selected type on
the board, the display will shownOnE.To
exit this mode, press CLEAR.
If you want to have the computer monitor
t wo human players, press M U LT I -
MOVE.A zero (0) will appear in the dis-
play, and a beep will signal if an illegal
move is made. You may now enter moves
for both sides (rather than allowing the
computer to play.) When you wish to
resume normal play again with one
human playing against the computer, sim-
ply press MULTI-MOVEagain.
3.8 HINT Key
Press this key if you want to get hints
from your Electronic Chess chess partner.
A recommended move will appear on the
screen. You may accept and make the
move, or press CLEAR to enter a differ-
ent move.
Press HINT a second time to view the
computer’s evaluation of your position.
3.9 LEVEL Key
Use this key to set the level of play.The
higher the level you select, the better your
Excalibur Electronic Chess computer will
play, and the longer it will think during its
moves. The first four levels (1, 2, 3 and 4)
are beginner levels and take approximate-
ly 4, 8, 12 and 16 seconds per move,
respectively. Level 5 is a fixed 1-ply (one-
half move) search. Levels 6 through 15
take about 1 second per level number, so
level 10 will average about 10 seconds
per move. Levels 16 through 72 take
about 2 seconds per level number.
Press LEVEL once to display the current
level. (The default level is set to Level 6,
which allows six seconds for an average
response.) Press L E V E L a gain to
increase the level by one. You can press
the MODE key to increase the level by
ten. (The levels start over again after
Level 73 with Level 1 if you want to
choose an easier level.) Press CLEAR to
exit this mode.
Level 73 is an infinite level. Electronic
Chess will take as long to move as you
want it to, or until either it finds a mate
position in its search or its search memo-
ry is exhausted. Level 73 is good for
problem solving, or it can be used to play
against. When you are tired of waiting for
the computer to move, press the MOVE