Note: F3 and F4 clear automatically if the battery voltage falls within acceptable limits. All indications except F8, F9 and F10 can be cleared by disconnecting the battery. For F8, F9 and F10, correct the condition that caused the indication and disconnect the battery to clear the indication.
CAUTION: If F8 is showing, and the charger is providing current to the battery, remove AC power from the charger before disconnecting the battery.
2.1.10 F3 (Low Battery) Override
If battery voltage is below 1.60 volts per cell the charger does not start automatically. If this is due to an overly discharged battery of the correct voltage, the F3 indication can be manually overridden by pressing ‘STOP’ while the F3 message (Low Battery) displays.
2.1.11 Jumper Settings
CAUTION: Remove AC and DC power from the charger before changing any jumper settings. Refer to figure 1 for location of jumpers.
- Jumper J5 should be set to match the battery voltage.
Volts 80V 72V 64V 48V 36V 24V 12V1 SP2
-Jumper J4 is used to lock out several parameters in the programming mode.
-Header J1 is used to select the charger type.
J4 | J4 |
J1 | J1 |
*J1 used for interface to HF module
Caution: Placing jumpers on any other position on J1 or J4 may damage the control and voids the warranty.