IN1606 and IN1608 Series Scaling Presentation Switcher • SIS Configuration and Control 44
Command ASCII Command
(host to scaler)
(scaler to host)
Additional Description
Output Configuration Commands
Output scaler rate
Set output rate EX5(RATE}Rate X5(] Set the output resolution and rate to
View output rate ERATE} X5(] View the selected output rate.
HDMI output format
Set format EX@*X3@ VTPO}VtpoX@*X3@] Set the color space and format of
output X@ to X3@.
View setting EX@VTPO} X3@ ] View the color space and format setting.
Power save mode
Power save off E0PSAV}Psav0]Operate at full power.
Power save on E1PSAV}Psav1]Operate in a low power state. No video
View setting EPSAV} X3&] View the power mode.
Screen saver
Set mode EMX2&SSAV}SsavMX2& ] Set the color of the screen saver to X2&.
View mode EMSSAV} X2&] View the color of the screen saver.
Set time-out duration ETX2#SSAV}SsavTX2# ] Set the time-out duration to X2#.
View time-out duration ETSSAV} X2#] View the time-out duration.
View screen saver status ESSSAV} X3*] View the screen saver status.
X@ = Output selection 1 = HDMI A (top)
2 = HDMI B (bottom)
3 = DTP C (IN1608 models)
X2# = Output sync timeout 0 = output sync is instantly disabled with no active input
1-500 (in 1 second increments)
501 = output sync never times out
X2& = Screen saver mode 1 = black output (default)
2 = blue output
X3@ = HDMI output format 0 = auto (default)
1 = DVI RGB 444
2 = HDMI RGB “Full”
3 = HDMI RGB “Limited”
4 = HDMI YUV 444 “Full”
5 = HDMI YUV 444 “Limited”
6 = HDMI YUV 422 “Full”
7 = HDMI YUV 422 “Limited”
X3& = Power save mode 0 = full power mode (default)
1 = low power state
X3* = Screen saver status 0 = active input detected, timer not running
1 = no active input, timer running, output sync enabled
2 = no active input, timer expired, output sync disabled
X5( = Output rate 3-8,10-92,201,202 (see the X5( definition on page 37).