Your HRV/ERV system produces a dehumidifying effect when
outdoor humidity levels are lower than indoor humidity levels.
These conditions occur normally when outdoor termperatures are
below 60°F. An additional dehumidification effect is achievable
withthe Optional Dehumidistat (Part DH1).
TheOptional DH1 Control may be combined with the Healthy
HomeSystem Control (HHSC). The DH1 will initiate high speed
ventilationwhen the moisture level in the home exceeds the set
pointon the control. Once the humidity in the house is reduced,
theHRV will revert back to the HHSC automatic setting. The
Dehumidistatshould be set to OFF for all seasons except the
Dehumidistat (Part DH1)
Healthy Home System Control (HHSC)
Setto the desired humidity
level.High speed ventilation
willinitiate when the indoor
moisturelevel exceeds the set
pointon the control.
The Healthy Home System Control (HHSC) activates the
HRV/ERVautomatically to deliver fresh air into your home.
Setting the Control
The duration of the ventilation rate is adjustable on the HHSC.
Your installer sets up this control during the installation of your
system. Refer to the instructions that came with the HHSC forthe
The Healthy Home System™ Control (HHSC)