Security Codes & Authority Levels (cont’d)
Level 7 Limited Use: Can arm and disarm the system for a predetermined number of times. Use #84 mode to set number of times.
To view your authority level and system capabilities:
1. Enter your code +
2.The keypad will display the partition(s) that you are authorized to operate, and your user number and authority level in each partition.
General Rules on Authority Levels and Changes
•A user may not delete or change the user code of the SAME or HIGHER authority than which he is assigned.
•A user may only ADD users to a LOWER authority level.
•A user may assign access codes only to those partitions to which the user adding the code has access. (ex. a user with access to only partition 1 cannot assign codes in partition 2.)
•The only way to assign a user's authority level is by using the "Add A User" procedure. To change a user's authority level, that user must first be deleted, then added again.
•A user can only be DELETED or CHANGED from within the partition he is assigned.
•User numbers must be entered as
•Before assigning a security code, be sure it does not conflict with any DURESS code.
Note: When adding, changing or deleting users, all other alpha keypads in that partition will display "User Edit Mode – Please Stand By", and key depressions (except Panic) at those keypads will be ignored. Panic key depressions will cause an alarm and terminate user entry.
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