1Nightlight Button – press to turn on a soft glow.
3Power Button and L.E.D.
5Nightlight Timer Switch - Turn on for 30 minutes of light.
6Volume Buttons - press to turn speaker volume up or down.
8Power Button and L.E.D.
9Reset/Pair Button - Press on the transmitter and receivers if you have signal interference.
11Sound Lights – watch these lights to see baby’s sounds.
12Volume Buttons - press to turn transmitter volume up or down.
13Range Indicator – lights when the receiver is out of range of transmitter or transmitter power is off.
14Nap Timer/Clock Button - Press the bottom of the switch to start, stop and restart the nap timer; press and hold the top of the switch to clear the nap timer. Press and hold the bottom of the switch to set the time; press the top and bottom of the switch to make selections.
15LCD Screen
16Nightlight Button - press to turn on the transmitter nightlight.
17Talk Button - press and hold to talk to baby.
18Microphone - Use to talk to baby (after pressing the talk button).
19Clip - (backside of receivers) - Fasten to your clothes to stay in touch with baby around the house or yard.