



Construct framing using dimensions shown if Figures 6, 7 and 8. (Use the figure applicable to your applica- tion.) Figure 6 shows the framing dimensions prior to having the appliance in place. If installing on a platform, platform must be solid, flat and fully supported (see Figure 7). Once the unit has been fitted, bring studs in against nailing flanges located on the side of the appliance making sure a 1" clearance is maintained as shown in Figure 8.

If the fireplace is to be installed directly on carpeting, tile (other than ceramic) or any combustible material other than wood flooring the fireplace must be installed upon a metal or wood panel extending the full width and depth of the fireplace.












52 3/4"









Figure 6 - Framing Dimensions Prior toPlacing Appliance

" 3/4 22

52 3/4"



*As required by design as long as ceiling clearance is maintained

Figure 7 - Framing Dimensions Prior to Placing Appliance Using a Platform

1" Min. to Combustibles

Nailing Flanges

Prepared Framing

Nails or Screws

Figure 8 - Securing Appliance withNailing Flangesvent pipe installation

A 6", B-1 type gas vent pipe is a double-wall, venting system (not supplied) which must be installed during rough framing of the appliance. Any B-1 type gas vent system may be used for proper venting as long as the vent system is installed per the vent manufacturer’s recommendations.

FMI PRODUCTS, LLC supplies this appliance with a tapered starter pipe for a snug fit. Slide B-1 type vent pipe over this starter pipe until vent pipe is fully seated. Secure this first section of B-vent pipe by strapping the connector around the vent pipe and then tightening the strap with any 1/8" nut and bolt (see Figure 9). Note: Visually inspect for proper vent connection by looking inside top of appliance. If connection does not appear to be correct, contact your local service technician.

B-1 Type

Vent (Not Supplied)

Strap (Fasten with #6 Screw or Bolt)

Figure 9 - Installing B-Vent Pipe
