FS-C Functions
70 FS-C Portable DTE Recorder
TIME CODE EXT, REC RUN, FREE RUN, REGENThe FS-C 2.0 upgrade provides additional TC REC RUN, TC FREE
RUN, and TC REGEN functionality in HD RECORDER mode.
This functionality is only active when HD FORMAT is set to
QUICKTIME. In M2T mode, all TC modes act as TC EXT.
The following are timecode (TC) functions.
• TC EXT Group Default
Records the incoming source timecode. If the timecode
is not running, the FS-C records the same timecode
number in each recorded frame. Choose TC EXT mode to
clear any stored number.
• TC REC RUN DV mode only
In this mode, after a power cycle, the FS-C starts its TC record
count using the TC SET value. Later recordings add to the last
value recorded. A power cycle resets the TC record value to
the TC SET value.
• TC FREE RUN DV mode only
This function causes the FS-C to begin counting from
the value stored by TC SET.
• A number entered through TC SET is not stored and
available to the FS-C until exiting TC SET. Only then does
the FS-C begin counting using that number.
• TC REGEN DV mode only
When the FS-C powers up in TC REGEN mode, it:
• Reads the timecode of the last track recorded.
• Adds 1 to the number.
• Stores the new timecode as the number that will be
assigned to the first frame of the next recording session.
If the drive is empty, i.e. no existing recordings,
the FS-C uses the TC SET value.
TC SET and UB SET Can Be Set at the Same Time
Both parameters, TC SET and UB SET, may be set and are not mutually
exclusive as in some groups, i.e. LCDLIGHT.