Soon you’ll see a list of words which may be used on the Scrabble board: “onyx”, for example. And if you use the blank piece: “oryxes”. Big points, big points!
Crosswords is also great if that
For example, suppose that the
As scroll through the list, you note that “neolith” will get you to the triple-
The Jumble key is also great for solving riddles, such as the following:
“Speeches made out of oats and iron.”
Type in oatsiron (no space between the words). Press JUMBLE . Set the minimum word size to 8 (the number of letters you
The word “orations” appears on the screen! The riddle is solved.
NOTE: Since Crosswords is also for crossword puzzles, many of the words you see will not be valid Scrabble words. For instance, there are many proper names, abbreviations and acronyms.