Key Guide


Key Guide




Main Keys

Conjugates a word.

Toggles the entry language between English and German.

Goes to the Dictionary.

Goes to the Learning Exercises menu.

Goes to the Traveller’s Phrases.

Toggles between the Databank and the Calculator. From the Calculator, goes to the Converter when M is pressed.

Toggles between Home and World Time.

Goes to the Settings menu.

Function Keys

In the dictionary, goes to the Entry screen. In the calculator, clears all entries. In the converter and databank, goes to the main menu.

Backs up, erases a letter, or turns off the highlight at an entry.

Shifts to type capital letters and punctuation marks.

Enters a word, selects an item, or begins a highlight in an entry.

Displays a help message. When at an inflection screen, displays Grammar Guide section about the inflection you were viewing.

Turns the unit on or off.

Direction Keys

Move in the indicated direction.

Goes to the next entry.

Goes to the previous entry.

At menus and dictionary entries, pages down. At data entry screens, types a space.