Searching for Words

The matching words are boxed.

6.Hold and press DN repeat- edly to view the next matches. To view a previous match, hold and press UP .

7.Press BACK to go back to the list of matches.8.Press SEARCH (yellow) to clear your search and begin a new one.If You Misspell a Word

If you enter a misspelled search word, a list of corrections appears. Highlight a correction and press ENTER to search for it.

Finding Incomplete Words

If you are not sure which form of a word to search for, type an asterisk in place of letters in the word (e.g., psych) and then press ENTER . To type an asterisk, hold CAP and press ? .

Next, highlight a complete word and press ENTER to search for it.

Searching for Words

Understanding Word Searches

When you search for words, the en- cyclopedia searches first for matches of the words in the titles of articles.

If no matches are found in article titles, it automatically searches for matches in the articles themselves. If no exact matches are found in ar- ticles, the encyclopedia then searches for synonyms and related words.

Searches of more than one word find matches regardless of the order or proximity of the words. For ex- ample, if you search for space travel, you will find articles that have the words travel and space in their text or titles.