Highlighting Search Words

You can also search for words by highlighting them in articles. Then you can find their matches in other articles. Try this example.

1.Press CLEAR .

2.On the Articles menu, high- light English Channel and then press ENTER .

To learn how, read “Finding Encyclo- pedia Articles.”

3.Press ENTER again to start the highlight.

You can turn off the highlight by pressing BACK .

4.Use the arrow keys to highlight a word. For ex- ample, highlight France.

Highlighting Search Words

5.Press ENTER to search for it.

6.To search for more articles, press MORE (red).

7.Highlight an article and press ENTER to select it.

8.Hold and press DN repeat- edly to view the next matches.

To view a previous match, hold and press UP .

9.Press CLEAR when finished.

Finding Abbreviation Meanings You can find the meanings of abbrevia-

tions used in this encyclopedia (e.g., SW, kph, MLR, etc.). First find an abbreviation in an article or title and press ENTER to start a highlight. Then use the arrow keys to highlight the abbrevia- tion. (If needed, select the appropriate abbreviation.) Finally, press ENTER again to see its meaning. To return to the article, press BACK to go back.