Finding Phrases |
| Finding Phrases |
You can search for phrases, adjacent or nearly adjacent words in a particular order, by selecting an ordered search and a narrow search width.
1.Press MENU.
2.Select Ordered Search from the Search menu.
3.Press MENU.
4.Select Set Search Width from the Search menu.
5.Select Close Together.
6.Enter a phrase (e.g., holy spirit).
7.Hold ✩ and press the DN key repeatedly to view the next matches. To view previous ones, hold ✩ and press UP.
8.Press CLEAR when done.
➤About Ordered Searches
When you select Ordered Search, you find words only in the order that you enter them. For example, an or- dered search for holy spirit does not find spirit holy.
➤About Search Widths
The search widths set how far apart search words can be in matches.
Search Width | Distance |
Close Together | nearly adjacent |
Not as Close | a few words apart |
Far Apart | many words apart |
Very Far Apart | up to a few verses |
➤About Unsearchable Words
These words are too common to search for: a, an, and, are, as, be, but, by, for, from, he, her, him, his, I, in, is, it, me, my, not, O, of, our, out, shall, shalt, she, that, the, thee, their, them, they, thou, thy, to, unto, up, upon, us, was, we, were, with, ye, you.