Finding Letters

To find unknown letters in words, type a question mark for each unknown letter.

1.Type a word with ?’s for letters.

2.Press ENTER.

3.Press to view more words, if any.

4.Press CLEAR.

Help for Word Games

You can use ?’s to help solve crossword puzzles and other word games.

For example, if the second letter of a five-letter word is r and its last letter is t, enter ?r??t and then scroll down to view possible answers.

Finding Letters

To find prefixes, suffixes, or fragments of a word, type one or more ’s in the word. Each

stands for any series of letters.

1.Type letters or a word with one or more ’s.

2.Press ENTER.

3.Press to view more words.

4.Press CLEAR.

Letter Finding Tips

You can type both ?’s and ’s in a word. However, if you type either at the start of the word, finding words may take a while. NOTE: It is not necessary to type two ’s in a row.