Freedom9 80 user manual RPM Status

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4.2.3RPM Status

The RPM Status page (Figure 18) displays the current status of all of the power outlets, and allows you to turn outlets on and off.

Figure 18 – RPM Status Page

If a power outlet is off, clicking on the icon to the right of the outlet will turn it on. If a power outlet is on, clicking on the icon to the right of the outlet will turn it off. Clicking the icon beside “All On” will turn all of the outlets on. Clicking the icon beside “All Off” will turn all of the outlets off. Outlets labeled as “non-internet” cannot be controlled from the web interface and will not be affected by the “All On” and “All Off” buttons.

If there are multiple units in a stack, select the unit to control under “Select RPM”. The yellow LED on the front panel of the device indicates its ID number in the stack.


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Freedom9 80 user manual RPM Status