Viewing the Images

Playback your images to check them. For important photographs, always take a test shot and view the image to make sure that the camera is working normally.

Setting the camera to Playback mode

Press wduring shooting to change to Playback mode.

When the camera is off, press wfor about 1 second to turn the camera on in Playback mode.


When pressing w, the last image shot appears on the LCD monitor. CAUTION Still images viewable on FinePix F30

This camera will display still images recorded on FinePix F30 or still images (excluding some uncompressed images) recorded on any FUJIFILM digital camera that supports xD-Picture Cards. Clear playback or playback zooming may not be possible for still images shot on cameras other than FinePix F30.

Select the LCD monitor display.

Press DISP/BACK during Playback mode to change the LCD monitor display.

100 - 0001


ISO 100

5 / 24 / 2006

12:00 AM






Text displayed

No text displayed


5 / 22

5 / 23

5 / 24

1 / 14

Sorting by date

Multi-frame playback