For Your Safety
• Do not take apart the AC power | unless intended only for personal | Although the LCD panel is produced | ■ Explanation of Color Television | ||
adapter. Doing so could be dan- | use. Note that some restrictions ap- | with highly sophisticated technolo- | System |
| |
gerous. | ply to the photographing of stage | gies, there may be black spots or | NTSC: National Television System | ||
• Do not use the AC power adapter | performances, entertainments and | permanently lit spots. This is not a | Committee, color television | ||
in a hot and humid place. | exhibits, even when intended purely | malfunction, and does not affect re- | telecasting | specifications | |
• Do not subject the AC power | for personal use. Users are also asked | corded images. | adopted mainly in the U.S.A., | ||
adapter to strong shocks. | to note that the transfer of Memory | ■ Trademark Information | Canada and Japan. | ||
• The AC power adapter may emit a | Card containing images or data pro- | PAL: Phase Alternation by Line, a | |||
humming. This is normal. | tected under copyright laws is only | marks of FUJIFILM Corporation. The | color television system ad- | ||
• If used near a radio, the AC power | permissible within the restrictions | typefaces included herein are solely | opted mainly | by European | |
adapter may cause static. If this | imposed by those copyright laws. | developed by DynaComware Tai- | countries and China. | ||
happens, move the camera away | ■ Handling Your Digital Camera | ||||
wan Inc. Macintosh, QuickTime, and |
| |||
from the radio. | To ensure that images are recorded | Mac OS are trademarks of Apple Inc. | ■ Exif Print (Exif ver. 2.3) |
| |
| correctly, do not subject the camera | in the U.S.A. and other countries. | Exif Print Format is a newly revised | ||
Before Using the Camera | to impact or shock while an image is | Windows 7, Windows Vista, and the | digital camera file format that con- | ||
Do not aim the camera at extremely | |||||
being recorded. | Windows logo are trademarks of | tains a variety of shooting informa- | |||
bright light sources, such as the sun | ■ Liquid Crystal | the Microsoft group of companies. | tion for optimal printing. | ||
in a cloudless sky. Failure to observe | |||||
Adobe and Adobe Reader are either |
| |||
this precaution could damage the | If the LCD monitor is damaged, take | IMPORTANT NOTICE: Read Before | |||
camera image sensor. | particular care with the liquid crystal | trademarks or registered trademarks | Using the Software | ||
| in the monitor. If any of the follow- | of Adobe Systems Incorporated in |
| |
■ Test Shots Prior to Photography | Direct or indirect export, in whole or | ||||
the U.S.A. and/or other countries. | |||||
For important photographs (such as | ing situations arise, take the urgent | The SDHC and SDXC logos are trade- | in part, of licensed software without | ||
weddings and overseas trips), always | action indicated. | marks of | the permission of the applicable | ||
take a test shot and view the im- | • If liquid crystal comes in contact | is a trademark. YouTube is a trade- | governing bodies is prohibited. | ||
age to make sure that the camera is | with your skin: | mark of Google Inc. All other trade |
| |
Wipe the area with a cloth and |
| |||
working normally. | then wash thoroughly with soap | names mentioned in this manual are |
| |
• FUJIFILM Corporation cannot ac- | and running water. | the trademarks or registered trade- |
| |
cept liability for any incidental | marks of their respective owners. |
| ||
• If liquid crystal gets into your eye: |
| |||
losses (such as the costs of photog- | Flush the affected eye with clean | ■ Notes on Electrical Interference |
| |
raphy or the loss of income from |
| |||
water for at least 15 minutes and | If the camera is to be used in hos- |
| ||
photography) incurred as a result |
| |||
then seek medical assistance. | pitals or aircrafts, please note that |
| ||
of faults with this product. |
| |||
• If liquid crystal is swallowed: | this camera may cause interference |
| ||
■ Notes on Copyright |
| |||
Flush your mouth thoroughly with | to other equipment in the hospital |
| ||
Images recorded using your digital | water. Drink large quantities of wa- | or aircraft. For details, please check |
| |
camera system cannot be used in | ter and induce vomiting. Then seek | with the applicable regulations. |
| |
ways that infringe copyright laws | medical assistance. |
| |
without the consent of the owner, |