n Face Recognition

3Enter a name, relationship, and birth date. The following options will be displayed:

NAME: Enter a name as described in “Text Entry”, below.CATEGORY: Tap the option that describes your relationship to the subject.

BIRTHDAY: Tap the m and n arrows to enter the subject’s date of birth, then tap OK.

RIf you zoom in on the face of a person in the face recognition database on their birthday, the camera will display their name and the message “Happy Birthday!”

4Tap OK.

After confi rming that the information you have entered is correct, tap OK to return to the face recognition menu.

Text Entry

1 Tap the text entry mode button until the desired text entry mode (uppercase letters, symbols, or numbers) is displayed.

Mode button

2To enter a character, tap the desired button one or more times (for example, tap the PQRS button once to enter “P”, three times to enter “R”).

3To proceed to the next character, tap p. To delete an existing character, tap o or pto highlight the character and tap DEL. Names may be up to 14 characters

long.4Tap OK when text entry is complete.

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