The Shooting Menu
Menu item | Description | Options | Default | |
dEXP. COMPENSATION | Adjust exposure for bright, dark, or | ±0 | ||
in increments of 1/3 EV | ||||
| ||
| Adjust ISO sensitivity (pg. 73). Choose higher values when the | AUTO/AUTO (1600)/ |
| |
NISO | AUTO (800)/AUTO (400)/3200/ | AUTO | ||
| subject is poorly lit. | 1600/800/400/200/100 |
| |
| ||
OIMAGE SIZE | Choose image size and aspect ratio (pg. 74). | O4:3/O16:9/P4:3/ | O4:3 | |
| P16:9/Q4:3/Q16:9 |
| |
TIMAGE QUALITY | Choose image quality (pg. 75). | FINE / NORMAL | NORMAL | |
UDYNAMIC RANGE | Enhance details in highlights for natural contrast (pg. 75). | AUTO /A/B/C | AUTO | |
PFILM SIMULATION | Simulate the effects of different types of fi lm (pg. 75). | c/d/b/f | c | |
DWHITE BALANCE | Adjust color for different light sources (pg. 76). | AUTO/i/j/k/l/m/n | AUTO | |
RCONTINUOUS | Shoot a series of pictures (pg. 76). | ON / OFF | OFF | |
bFACE DETECTION | Choose whether the camera automatically detects and sets focus |
| |
and exposure for human portrait subjects. Can be combined with | q/ g/OFF | — | ||
| ||
FAF MODE | Control how the camera focuses (pg. 77). | r/s | r | |
LDUAL IS MODE | Reduce blur (pg. 18). | fON / OFF | fON | |
cFRAMING GUIDELINE | Display best framing guides to help compose pictures (pg. 19). | ON / OFF | OFF | |
oSILENT MODE | Select ON in situations in which camera sounds or lights may be | ON / OFF | OFF | |
unwelcome (pg. 21). | ||||
| ||
Perform basic camera setup such as choosing a language and set- | — | — | ||
ting the time and date (pg. 85). | ||||