When short, these jumpers connect the 32.768 kHz crystal to the Bus Interface connector X1A, X0A+LJKpins.
When short, these jumpers connect the 4MHz crystal to the Bus Interface connector X0,
This button+DUGZDUHcan beVWDQGE\used forEXWWRQreseting the CPU.
While this button is pressed, the CPU stays in the standby mode (all oscillators are stopped, all I/O pins are set to high impedance state, special purpose registers such as the
accumulator6:&38',3VZLWFKHVare reset to their default values, but content of internal RAM is preserved) | ||||||||||||||||||
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| |
| |
1: MD0 |
2: MD1 | 8 7 6 5 4 | 2 1 |
| ||||||||||||||
3: MD2 |
4: S- |
| ON | ||
5: S- |
6: - |
7: AD00 (P00) |
8: AD01 (P 1) |
These switches should be used only when using the CPU board without Mainboard, or
| MD2 | MD1 | MD0 | AD00/ | AD01 | Mode name | Reset vector area | External data |
| P00 | /P01 |
| bus witdth |
| ON | ON | ON | OFF | OFF | External vector mode 0 | External | 8 |
| ON | ON | OFF | OFF | OFF | External vector mode 1 | External | 16 |
| ON | OFF | ON | OFF | OFF | External vector mode 2 | External | 16 |
| ON | OFF | OFF | OFF | OFF | Internal vector mode | Internal | (Mode data) |
| OFF | ON | ON | X | X | Reserved |
| OFF | ON | OFF | X | X | Reserved |
| OFF | OFF | ON | ON | ON | Async serial programming |
| OFF | OFF | OFF | X | X | Reserved |
| ||||||