A system using one channel to process sound
from all sources.
A standard for MIDI interfaces and connectors.
National TV Standards Commission.The
standard for TV broadcast and reception for
the USA.
Operating System
A group ofcontrol programs that convert
application commands,including driver
programs,into the exact form required by a
specific brand and model of microprocessor
in order to produce the desired results from
that particular equipment.
Parallel Port
A connection to another device through which
data is transferred as a block of bits simultane-
ously with a wire for each bit in the block and
with other wires only for control ofthe dev ice
not for transfer of data.
Musical Instrument Digital Interface.A stan-
dard communication protocol for exchange of
information between computers and sound
producers such as synthesizers.
A contraction for MOdulator-DEModulator.
The equipment which connects a computer or
other data terminal to a communication line.
MMX Technology
MMX technology is an Intel processor enhance-
ment that improves multimedia and communi-
cation applications.The Pentium processor with
MMX technology boasts three primary architec-
tural design enhancements:57 powerful new
instructions specifically designed to manipulate
and process video,audio and graphical data effi-
ciently;Single Instruct ion Multiple Data (SIMD)
enabling one instruction to perform the same
function on multiple pieces ofdata; and more
L1 cache for a total of32KB.
Lithium ion Battery
A type of rechargeable battery which has a high
power-time life for its size and is not subject to
the memory effect as Nickel Cadmium batteries.
LPT Port
Line Printer Port.A way of referring to parallel
interface ports because historically line printers
were the first and later the most common
device connected to parallel ports.
1,000,000 cycles per second.
A repository for data and applications which is
readily accessible to your computer CPU.