LifeBook B Series from Fujitsu
A block ofspa ce on a hard drive which is set
aside and made to appear to the operating sys-
tem as ifit were a separate disk, and addressed
by the operating system accordingly.
PCMCIA is a trademark of the Personal
Computer Memory Card International
Association.The Personal Computer Memory
Card International Association is an organiza-
tion that sets standards for add-in cards for
personal computers.
Peripheral Device
A piece ofequipment which performs a specific
function associated with but not integral to
a computer.Examples: a printer, a modem,
Pitch (keyboard)
The distance between the centers ofthe letter
keys ofa keyboard.
The smallest element of a display,a dot of color
on your display screen.The more pixels per
area the clearer your image will appear.
Power On SelfTest.A program which is part of
the BIOS which checks the configuration and
operating condition ofyour hardware whenever
power is applied to your Computer.Status and
error messages may be displayed before the oper-
ating system is loaded.If the self test detects fail-
ures that are so serious that operation can not
continue,the operating system will not be loaded.
An integrated set of coded commands to your
computers telling your hardware what to do
and how and when to do it.
An IBM series of personal computers which
established a number ofstandards for con-
necting external devices such as keyboards
and monitors.
Random Access Memory.A hardware compo-
nent ofyour computer that holds binary infor-
mation (both program and data) as long as it
has the proper power applied to it.
RAM Module
A printed circuit card with memory and associ-
ated circuitry which allows the user to add
additional memory to the computer without
special tools.
The act of reloading the operating system.
A reset erases all information stored in RAM.
See Reset.
To proceed after interruption.In your
Computer this refers to returning to active
operation after having been in one ofthe
suspension states.