multiple-part forms are used, the forms can have different weights of
parts (layers), HOWeVer,
the weight of each part should be that given in
Table 2.8 according to the number of parts.
When forms
too thick, density fading between the top and bottom of each
character will occur.
When forms are too thin, they will be damaged and a
feed defect will occur.
(4) Forms causing feed defects
The following forms are likely to cause feed defects, excluding those
described before:
. Multiple-part forms with layers whose thickness or number varies by
section, such as shown in Figure 2.16.
'Glued portions
Figure 2.16 Multi-part forms with layers of different thickness
. Multiple-part forms with layers glued in the print: area (Printing should
not be done on the glued portions.)
. Carbon paper which is covering pin feed holes of uultiple-part forms
(see Figure 2.17.)
Pin feed hole
Carbon paper
Figure 2.17
Carbon paper covering pin feed holes
. Self-adhesive label form with labels whose all sides are cut (see
Figure 2.18)
Such forms are likely to peel off. The forms feed 'direction side of every
label must be perforations to prevent peeling.
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