Document button:

Selects the type of document. When this button is pressed, the lower line is displayed as shown in Screen 7. Each time this button is pressed, “LINE” or “PHOTO” starts blinking in turn, and the document selection indication displayed on the upper line changes accordingly.

Screen 7 — The upper line shows a typical example.

Upper line









3 0 0

H T 1

P . >







Lower line

D O C . :

L .

( L i n e ) P .

( P h o

t o )



Display (lower line)Explanation

P.(Photo) : For light adjustment or when there is a dark background color on the document, select P. (Photo).

L.(Line) : Select this setting to read line drawings.

NOTICE :When L. (Line) is selected, the top 3-mm part of the read area should be left blank (grounding color) by specifying a drop-out color.

Mode 1 and 2 button:

These buttons are used for maintenance.

2 – 10