5-68 C141-E192-01EN
Table 5.7 Features Register values (subcommands) and functions (1 of 3)
Features Resister Function
X’D0’ SMART Read Attribute Va lues:
A device that received this subcommand asserts the BSY bit and saves all
the updated attribute values. The device then clears the BSY bit and
transfers 512-byte attribute value information to the host.
* For information about the format of the attribute value information, see
Table 5.8.
X’D1’ SMART Read Attribute Thresholds:
This subcommand is used to transfer 512-byte insurance failure threshold
value data to the host.
* For information about the format of the insurance failure threshold value
data, see Table 5.9.
X’D2’ SMART Enable/Disable Attribute AutoSave:
Enables (by setting the SC register to a value other than 00h) or disables (by
setting the SC register to 00h) a function that automatically saves device
attribute values (“automatic attribute save function”). This setting is held
regardless of whether the device is turned on or off. If the automatic
attribute save function is enabled and more than 15 minutes has elapsed
since the last time that attributes were saved, then the attributes are saved.
However, if the automatic attribute save function is disabled, the attributes
are not saved. Upon receiving this subcommand, a device asserts BSY,
enables or disables the automatic attribute save function, and clears BSY.
X’D3’ SMART Save Attribute Values:
When the device receives this subcommand, it asserts the BSY bit, saves
device attribute value data, then clears the BSY bit.
X’D4’ SMART Executive Off-line Immediate:
A device which receives this command asserts the BSY bit, then starts
collecting the off-line data specified in the SN register, or stops.
In the off-line mode, after BSY is cleared, off-line data are collected. In the
captive mode, it collects off-line data with the BSY assertion as is, then
clears the BSY when collection of data is completed.
SN Off-line data collection mode
00h: Off-line diagnosis (off-line mode)
01h: Simple self-test (off-line mode)
02h: Comprehensive self-test (off-line mode)
03h: Conveyance self-test (off-line mode)
04h: Selective self-test (off-line mode)
7Fh: Self-test stop
81h: Simple self-test (captive mode)
82h: Comprehensive self-test (captive mode)
83h: Conveyance self-test (captive mode)
84h: Selective self-test (captive mode)