5.3 Host Commands
C141-E192-01EN 5-99
(41) WRITE DMA EXT (35H): Option (customizing)
• Description
This command is the extended command of the WRITE DMA command.
The LBA specification is increased from 28 bits to 48 bits, and the maximum
number of sectors that can be transferred by a single command is changed
from 100h to 10000h. Other command controls are the same as those of the
WRITE DMA command.
At command issuance (I/O registers setting contents)
1F7h(CM) 00110101
1F6h(DH) 1 L 1 DV xx
1F5h(CH) P
1F5h(CH) C
1F4h(CL) P
1F4h(CL) C
1F3h(SN) P
1F3h(SN) C
1F2h(SC) P
1F2h(SC) C
1F1h(FR) P
1F1h(FR) C
LBA (47-40)
LBA (23-16)
LBA (39-32)
LBA (15-8)
LBA (31-24)
LBA (7-0)
Sector count (15-8)
Sector count (7-0)
C: Current
P: Previous
At command completion (I/O registers contents to be read)
1F7h(ST) Status information
1F6h(DH) 1 L 1 DV xx
1F5h(CH) 1
1F5h(CH) 0
1F4h(CL) 1
1F4h(CL) 0
1F3h(SN) 1
1F3h(SN) 0
1F2h(SC) 1
1F2h(SC) 0
LBA (47-40)
LBA (23-16)
LBA (39-32)
LBA (15-8)
LBA (31-24)
LBA (7-0)
Error information
0: HOB=0
1: HOB=1