CardMinder User’s Guide 31
Business Card Data Handling
•The default setting for the hot key is the combination of [Alt] and [F3] keys. For
how to change the hot key, refer to Section 6.1.
•By default, even when there is no matching character strings, "CardMinder
Viewer" will be activated. In such cases, no image will be displayed on the Card-
Minder Viewer, but you can continue searching by entering a keyword in the
[Search Text:] box.
If you do not want to activate "CardMinder Viewer" when there is no matching
character strings, change the setting. For information on how to change settings,
see Section 6.1, and how to search with "CardMinder Viewer," see Section 4.7.
•All records on all tabs; namely the [Inbox], [Exported], and [Mobile] tabs, are tar-
geted for searching.
•As the default settings, Data List View and Attachment View are hidden.
If you want to show Data List View, click the button and to show Attachment
View, click the button.