4Complete one or more actions to enter your jump information:

Select DIP to set a waypoint for the desired landing location.

Select Drop Alt to set the drop altitude AGL (in feet) when the jumpmaster exits the aircraft.

Select Open Alt to set the open altitude AGL (in feet) when the jumpmaster opens the parachute.

Select FWD Throw to set the horizontal distance traveled (in meters) due to aircraft speed.

Select Crs to HARP to set the direction traveled (in degrees) due to aircraft speed.

Select Wind to set the wind speed (in knots) and direction (in degrees).

Select Constant to fine-tune some information for the planned jump. Depending on the jump type, you can select Percent Max, Safety Fctr, K-Open, K-Freefall, or K-Staticand enter additional information (Constant Settings).

Select Auto to DIP to enable navigation to the DIP automatically after you jump.

Select GOTO HARP to start navigation to the HARP.

Entering Wind Information for HAHO and HALO Jumps

1Select the action key.

2 Select Jumpmaster.

3 Select a jump type (Jump Types).

4 Select Wind > Add.

5 Select an altitude.

6 Enter a wind speed in knots and select Done.

7 Enter a wind direction in degrees and select Done.

The wind value is added to the list. Only wind values included in the list are used in calculations.

8Repeat steps 5–7 for each available altitude.

Resetting Wind Information

1Select the action key.

2 Select Jumpmaster.

3 Select HAHO or HALO.

4 Select Wind > Reset.

All wind values are removed from the list.

Entering Wind Information for a Static Jump

1Select the action key.

2Select Jumpmaster > Static > Wind.

3Enter a wind speed in knots and select Done.

4Enter a wind direction in degrees and select Done.

Constant Settings

Select Jumpmaster, select a jump type, and select Constant.

Percent Max: Sets the jump range for all jump types. A setting less than 100% decreases the drift distance to the DIP, and a setting greater than 100% increases the drift distance.

More experienced jumpmasters may want to use smaller numbers, and less experienced skydivers may want to use larger numbers.

Safety Fctr: Sets the margin of error for a jump (HAHO only). Safety factors are usually integer values of two or greater, and are determined by the jumpmaster based on specifications for the jump.

K-Freefall: Sets the wind drag value for a parachute during freefall, based on the parachute canopy rating (HALO only). Each parachute should be labeled with a K value.

K-Open: Sets the wind drag value for an open parachute, based on the parachute canopy rating (HAHO and HALO). Each parachute should be labeled with a K value.

K-Static: Sets the wind drag value for a parachute during a static jump, based on the parachute canopy rating (Static only). Each parachute should be labeled with a K value.

VIRB™ Remote

The VIRB remote function allows you to control your VIRB action camera from a distance. Go to www.garmin.com/VIRB to purchase a VIRB action camera.

Controlling a VIRB Action Camera

Before you can use the VIRB remote function on your device, you must enable the remote setting on your VIRB camera. See the owner's manual for your VIRB camera for more information.

1Turn on your VIRB camera.

2From your device, select the action key, and select VIRB Remote.

3Wait while the device connects to your VIRB camera.

4 Select an option:

To record video, select .

To stop recording video, select .

To take a photo, select the action key.


Setting the Alarm

1Select the action key.

2Select Clock > Alarm Clock > Add Alarm.

3Select the action key, , and to set the time.

4 Select Tone, Vibration, or Tone & Vib.. 5 Select Once, Daily, or Weekdays.

Starting the Countdown Timer

1Select the action key.

2 Select Clock > Timer.

3 Select the action key, , and to set the time.

4If necessary, select Notification, and select a type of notification.

5Select Start.

Using the Stopwatch

1Select the action key.

2Select Clock > Stopwatch.

3 Select Start.

Adding a Custom Time Zone

1Select the action key.

2Select Clock > Alt. Zones > Add Zone.

3 Select a time zone.

The custom time zone page is added to the current profile.

Editing a Custom Time Zone

1Select the action key.

2Select Clock > Alt. Zones.

3 Select a time zone.

4 Select an option:

To change the time zone, select Edit Zone.

To customize the name of the time zone, select Edit Label.

To delete the time zone from the quick page loop, select Delete > Yes.

