supported 8 rear panelfeatures 12 illustration 12regulatory compliance statements 34 reset button 10hot-swap drives 8Small Business Server, versions supported 15Solaris, versions supported 15 status lightsfront panel 10power supply modules 13 system 10support options 5 supportedDIMMs 8 memory 8 RAM 8switch
safety guidelines ivsafety, closing the bezel doors 4SCAsee single connector attachment ScanDisk, using 18SCO UNIX, versions supported 15SCSIactivity indicators 10 controller 8system errors 5 features 8 management 8 monitoring 8 power 4
testing CPU 4 processor 4troubleshooting guidelines 6 turning on the power 4U
ultraSCSI, controller 8 UnixWare, versions supported 15 usingDisk Defragmenter 19 ScanDisk 18V
VCCI Notice 36verifying your configuration 6 videochip manufacturer 8 connecting 4 DRAM 8voltage requirements, power supply 2voltage selector switch location 13 setting 4W
40 Gateway ALR 8300 User’s Guide