Universal remote control
Enter. Confirms a selection in a menu. For more information, seeUsing the
OSD” on page 63.
Dimmer. Adjusts the display br ightness. For more infor mation, see “Adjusting
the display brightness” on page 62.
Return. Returns from an OSD settings screen to the Setup Menu. For more
information, see “Using the OSD” on page 63.
Play ( ). Plays the DVD, CD, or MP3.
P.Scan. Scans the preset radio stations pausing at each one for 5 seconds.
For more information, see “Listeni ng to the radio” on page 57.
Stop ( ).
Stops playing the disc.
Preset/Skip bac k ( ). Chang es the ra dio station to the ne xt m emorized s tation
or perf orms backward skip functions such as skipping back one CD track o r D VD
chapter. For more information, see “Listening to the radio” on page 57.
Preset/Skip ahead ( ). Changes the radio station to the previous memorized
station or performs f orw ard skip f unctio ns s uch a s sk ippin g ahe ad one CD trac k
or DV D cha pte r. For mor e i nfor mat ion, see “L ist eni ng t o t he ra dio” on page 57.
7 Channel Dir ect. Selects audio signal from a connected 6 or 7 channel direct
input component. For more infor mation, see “Switching between connected
components” on page 46.
Nume ric keypa d (0-9, 1 0+). Enters numbers when selecting or programming.
Direct INPUT selector. Selects corresponding connected component as source
f o r au dio /vi de o in put. For m ore i nformation, se e “Sw it chi ng bet w e en c on nec ted
components” on page 46.
Tune/Search back ( ). Tunes in a radio station or perfor ms backward search
functions, such as playing a CD back ward quickly or playing a DVD backward
in slow motion. For more information, see “Listening to the radio” on page 57.
Tune/Search ahead( ). Tunes in a radio station or perfor ms forward search
functions, such as playing a CD forward quickly or playing a DVD forward in
slow motion. For more information, see “Listening to the radio” on page 57.
Record. Starts recording on components, such as a VCR.
Reverse play. Reverses play for connected components, such as AUX.
Pau se ( ). Paus es play.
Button Description
- TUNE +