Surround sound
2-channel surr ound modes
The following modes apply conventional 2-channel signals such as digital PCM
or analog stereo signals to high performance Digital Signal Processor to recreate
sound fields artificially. Select from one of the following 2-channel surround
Mode Description
Theater This mode provides the effect of being in a theater -in-the round while watching a pla y.
Movie This mode provides the effect of being in a movie theater while watching a movie.
Hall 1/2 This mode provides the ambience of a chamber hall for chamber music or an
instrumental solo (Hall 1) or a concert hall for orchestral music or an opera (Hall 2).
Stadium This mode provides the ex pansive sound field to achieve the true stadium effect of
watching sporting events, such as football.
Church This mode provides the ambience of a church f or baroque , string orchestral , or choral
group music.
Club 1/2 This mode creates the sound field of a jazz club with a low ceiling and hard walls
(Club 1) or a live club with a relatively spacious floor (Club 2).
Arena 1/2 This mod e provi des the f eeli ng of a liv e con cert in a mediu m-siz ed (Arena 1) o r large
(Arena 2) arena.
Game Use this mode for video game sources.
Matrix This mo de repro duces delay ed si gnals from the su rround c hanne ls emph asiz ing the
sense of expansion for music sources.