Yoursafetyas wellas the safetyof othersis importantto GBC. In this OperatorManualandon the productareimpor- tant safetymessages.Readthesemessagescarefully.

r..Thesafetyalertsymbolprecedeseachsafetymessage this OperatorManual.Thissymbolindicatesa potentialpersonalsafetyhazardthat couldhurt you or wellas causeproductor propertydamage. Thefollowingwarningis found on this unit:

Thissafetymessagemeansyou couldbeseriouslyhurt or killedif you openthe productandexposeyourselfto hazardousvoltage.

Thefollowingsymbolsappearon this product,andtheir meaningis asfollows'


AWARNING:Foryour protection,do not connectthe

WirePRO1000to electricalpoweruntil you readthese instructionscompletelyKeep.theseinstructionsin a conve- nientlocationfor future referenceTo.guardagainstinjury, thefollowingbasicsafetyprecautionsmust beobservedin theset-upanduseof this product.



.Use theWirePRO1000onlyfor its intendedpurposeof punchingandbindingpaperandcoversaccordingto the indicatedspecifications.

.Do not placeanythingin the punchopeningof the machine otherthanpaperandcoverstock.

.Place unit on a secure,stablework areato preventthe machinefallingandpossiblycausingpersonalinjuryand damageto the unit.

.Follow allwarningsandinstructionsmarkedonthe product.

.Lift the machinefrom the bottom,not the cover.

.Do not lift the machineby thecoveror paperholderwire.


TheWirePRO1000mustbeconnectedto a supplyvoltage correspondingto theelectricalratingof the machineas indi- catedon theserial/ratingplateor in this manual



.Unplug the WirePRO1000beforemovingit, or whenit is not in usefor an extendedperiodof time.

.Do not operatewith a damagedsupplycord or plug,afterit malfunctionsor. after it hasbeendamagedin anymanner.

.Do not overloadelectricaloutletsbeyondtheir capacityas this canresultin fire or electricalshock.

.Do not alterattachmentplug.Plugis configuredfor the appropriateelectricalsupply.

.The unit is intendedfor indooruseonly.

.Never pushobjectsinto this productthroughcabinetslots. Donot spill liquidof anykindon this product.

.Do not operateif the producthasbeenexposedto rainor water.


Donot attemptto serviceor repairtheWirePRD1000your- self.Unplugthe unit andcontactan authorizedGBCservice representativefor exchangeor repair.


A CAUTION:Unplugthis productbeforecleaning. Wipeexterioronlywith a dampcloth. Donot usedetergents or solvents.

Thefollowingnotesapplyonlyto the units rated230V50Hz.


Whenchoosinga detachablelinecordfor usewith the WirePRO1000,alwaysobservethefollowing.

Thecordsetconsistsof threecomponents;the attachment plug,cordageandapplianceinlet.Eachof thesecomponents must meetEuropeanregulatoryapprovalsfor safety.

Thefollowingminimumelectricalratingsfor the specific cordsetarepublishedfor safetypurposes.DONOTUSE CORDSETSTHAT00 NOTMEETTHEFOLLOWINGMINIMUM ELECTRICALREQUIREMENTS.

PLUG:3A,250 volts,50/60Hz,Class1,3conductor, Europeansafetyagencyapproved.

CORDAGE:TypeH05W-F3GO.75,Harmonized( ~ HARt> ). The" ~ ~' symbolsindicatecordageapprovedto appro-


by theapprovalmarkof the Europeansafetyagencywhich approvedthe cordage.An examplewouldbe" ~VDE t>".

APPliANCECONNECTOR:3A,250volts, 50/60Hz,European safetyapproved,TypeIEC320.Cordsetshallnot exceed3 metersin length.Cordsetwith componentelectricalratings greaterthanthe minimumspecifiedelectricalratingsmaybe substituted.


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GBC 1000 manual Safetymessages, Importantsafeguards Generalsafeguards, Electricalsafeguards, Service, Cleaning

1000 specifications

The GBC 1000 is a state-of-the-art electronic device that has garnered attention for its robust features and innovative technologies. Launched as a versatile gadget suitable for both personal and professional use, it merges functionality with cutting-edge technology to fulfill a wide range of user needs.

One of the standout features of the GBC 1000 is its advanced processing power, powered by a high-performance CPU that ensures seamless multitasking capabilities. This enables users to run multiple applications simultaneously without any lag, making it an excellent choice for those who demand high efficiency in their daily tasks. Coupled with its substantial RAM, the device is designed to handle resource-intensive applications such as video editing and gaming with ease.

The GBC 1000 boasts a vibrant display that elevates the user experience. The high-definition screen delivers sharp images and vivid colors, making it ideal for both entertainment and professional presentations. Additionally, the touchscreen functionality allows for intuitive navigation, further enhancing usability.

In terms of connectivity, the GBC 1000 is equipped with the latest wireless technologies, including Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth 5.0. These features enable fast data transfer speeds and stable connections, whether users are streaming content, downloading large files, or using peripheral devices. Furthermore, the device includes multiple ports, such as USB-C, HDMI, and headphone jacks, providing flexibility for connecting various external devices.

Battery life is another impressive characteristic of the GBC 1000. The device is designed to last up to 15 hours on a single charge, making it an ideal companion for users on the go. Fast-charging capabilities also mean the device can quickly regain power, allowing users to stay productive without long interruptions.

The GBC 1000 incorporates advanced security features, including biometric authentication options such as fingerprint scanning and facial recognition. This ensures that user data remains secure and accessible only to the rightful owner.

In conclusion, the GBC 1000 stands out as a powerful and versatile electronic device tailored for modern users. Its combination of high performance, stunning display, extensive connectivity options, long-lasting battery, and robust security features makes it a top choice for anyone seeking reliability and efficiency in their daily digital interactions. Whether for work, entertainment, or creativity, the GBC 1000 is designed to exceed expectations and meet diverse needs.