0150-0255C 3-1 Kalatel VDR
3 THE MENU SYSTEM This section provides a brief overview of the menu system, for complete information about Operator
and Installer programming, see section 4: Operator Programming, or section 5: Installer
How to use this Manual
Throughout this manual, there are headings like these.
o Main Menu → Timer Settings
Meaning: From the Main menu, select TIMER SETTINGS, then press the Enter button. A Pop-up or
Pull down menu will appear.
o Main Menu → Record Settings → Normal Record Speed
Meaning: From the Main menu, select RECORD SETTINGS, then press the Enter button. This opens
another menu. In this menu, select NORMAL RECORD SPEED, then press the Enter button.
A Pop-up or Pull down menu will appear.
Pull-down Menus
Pull-down menus are the top-level menus. Make a selection in a Pull-down menu to enter the
appropriate sub-menu (typically a Pop-up menu). Changes to the unit's parameters are usually made
in Pop-up menus.
To exit a Pull-down menu, press the Menu button.
Pop-up Menus
Pop-up menus usually have a parameter (or several parameters), from which the user can make a
selection or change the value.
Use the Arrow buttons to select a new parameter and to change the value of that parameter.
To Save changes and Exit the menu: Select [OK], the press the Enter
To Exit the menu without making changes: Press the Menu button or
select [CANCEL], then press the Enter button.
Menu button
In some boxes, items are highlighted on the screen. They are represented in this manual as follows:
Not highlighted: Highlighted:
Entering the Main menu
Enter the Main menu by pressing the Menu button. The Main menu will
appear on the primary monitor.
Menu button