0150-0255C 6-3 Kalatel VDR
ASCII Status Request Messages Command ASCII String Bytes in Hexadecimal
Model Name Request Sx MLN Ex 02 4D 4C 4E 03
Software Version Number Request Sx SVN Ex 02 73 77 4E 03
Record Mode Status Request Sx RMS Ex 02 52 4D 73 03
Stop Mode Status Request Sx SMS Ex 02 73 4D 73 03
ASCII Status Response Messages
Command ASCII String
Model Name Response Sx MLN VDR Ex
Software Version Number Response Sx SVN 1.18 Ex
Sx RMS 0 Ex (Not Recording)
Sx RMS 1 Ex (Recording)
Sx RMS 2 Ex (Not Recording and Disk Full)
Record Mode Status Response
Sx RMS 3 Ex (Recording and Disk Full)
Sx SMS 0 Ex (Not Playing)
Sx SMS 1 Ex (Playing)
Sx SMS 2 Ex (Not Playing and End of Disk)
Stop Mode Status Response
Sx SMS 3 Ex (Playing and End of Disk)